Most analysts and investors have attributed the gyrations to an overdue reversal of stretched and crowded trades, with the turmoil exacerbated by a dearth of liquidity in bond market trading. 多数分析师和投资者将这波逆转行情归因于长期的过度交易引发的迟来的逆转,而债券市场流动性的缺乏又加剧了市场的动荡。
Kweichow Moutai suspended stock market trading for one day, after the report from Hong Kong was posted online. 香港的报告在网上发布之后,贵州茅台暂停股票市场交易一天。
In the fiscal first quarter that ended on September 31, revenue generated from equity market trading at SGX fell 29 per cent, as a result of a 27 per cent fall in average daily trading volume. 在截至9月30日的财年第一季度,新交所股市交易产生的营收下降29%,这是日均交易量下跌27%的结果。
This would allow China to share with its emerging market trading partners a more proportional part of the burden of the global currency adjustment that is now under way. 这将让中国在业已启动的全球汇率调整进程中,与新兴市场贸易伙伴国共同承担起更恰如其分的责任。
But it is not just building highways and retooling market trading mechanisms. 但这不只是建造高速公路和重新设计市场交易机制。
Because of the huge cotton price fluctuations, stock market trading was dull, cotton prices require further confirmation at the bottom. 由于棉价波动巨大,现货市场交易还很平淡,棉价底部需要进一步确认。
But market trading volumes remain below levels seen in the final months of last year, according to Bloomberg data. 但根据彭博(bloomberg)数据,市场成交额仍低于去年最后几个月的水平。
The past few days have been among the longest days in the short history of stock market trading in China. 在中国股市短短的交易史上,过去几天是最漫长的。
The answer is that in the presence of transaction costs, the formal authority of company decision-making may solve bargaining problems better inside the firm than market trading outside. 答案在于,在有交易成本的情况下,与外部的市场交易相比,公司决策的正式权力也许能够更好地解决议价问题。
Many assets were not even priced through market trading but valued by complex formulas akin to peddling tulips with equations. 许多资产甚至不是通过市场交易定价,而是借助复杂的公式类似于用方程式来兜售郁金香。
We cannot allow soaring food prices and wild swings in energy prices to threaten the lives of so many, and it is imperative to impose greater transparency on commodity market trading and pricing. 我们不能容许食品价格飞涨和能源价格的猛烈波动威胁到广大民众的生活,因此提高大宗商品市场交易和定价的透明度势在必行。
Combined with fundamental situation, weakened downstream market trading, PTA uplink power start failure, rising sharply, is likely to slow. 结合基本面的情况来看,下游市场交投减弱,PTA的上行的动力开始衰竭,涨速有可能放缓。
The HKMA does not set any standards on the type and level of fees that recognised dealers may charge for providing the secondary market trading service. 金管局并没有就认可交易商可以就提供第二市场交易服务收取的费用类别及水平定下任何标准。
If the transfer price is higher than the local guiding price or market trading price by30%, generally, it may be deemed as an obviously unreasonable high price. 对转让价格高于当地指导价或者市场交易价百分之三十的,一般可以视为明显不合理的高价。
Market trading and developmental trend of global aluminum products 全球铝产品市场贸易及发展趋势
With the method of the sustainability analysis on component index in Shenzhen, this paper focuses on the influence of different market trading systems to stock market index, and it provides a new idea for evaluating different market trading systems. 利用持续性分析方法对深圳成分指数的分析,研究了不同的市场交易(即T+0、T+1和涨停板制度)制度对股票市场指数的影响,为评价不同市场交易制度提供了一种新思路。
Sealed-bid purchase is a kind of market trading mechanism, that is more efficient than quotation purchase. 密封招标采购是一种典型的市场交易机制,集中竞争使其比询价采购更有效率。
This paper analyzes the reaction of stock market trading volume to annual financial report announcement in China's stock market. 本文采用事件研究的方法,对财务年报公告后市场上的交易量反应进行了研究。
Low-cost organization's creation in market trading system, especially for the intermediary organization which we lacked in the past is now necessary for realizing resources arrangement, regional productive technical cooperation and specialized division of labor. 为了实现在资源配置和生产技术上的区域协作和专业化分工,必须在市场交易体系上实现降低成本的组织创新,尤其是供给出以往有所缺位的市场中间性组织。
Tick size is an important part in the design of stock market trading mechanism. 最小报价单位是证券市场交易机制设计的重要组成部分。
Market trading skills: the marriage business 婚姻中的“买卖”市场
This paper is to make up the hypothesis that market trading institutions effect market performance greatly and give both theoretical and experimental proving to it. 本文据此构造了市场交易制度影响市场绩效的假说并进行了理论和实验的证明。
Chaos and Forecast in Market Trading 交易市场中的混沌及预测
Asset Substitution, Financial Market Trading and Money Velocity Stability 资产替代、金融市场交易和货币流通速度的稳定性
Since its birth in 1960s, experimental economics has been continuously deepening the study of market trading institutions and bringing about a lot of important research results due to its widely application. 实验经济学方法的出现和大量应用使市场交易制度问题研究得以深入,并取得了大量重要的研究成果。
Trade organization has its particularity, it is certainly an enterprise, and it adds the market trading volume. 然而,交易组织有其特殊性,它当然是企业,但它作为企业,不仅没有替代或减少市场交易量,反而在积极地从事市场交易并进而在扩大市场交易量。
According to the conclusions of the empirical study, this paper takes the stock market mechanisms and the behaviors of the investor and the price discovering processions together, to discuss how the market trading mechanisms and the behaviors of the investor affect the price process at present. 针对实证研究的结论,本文将目前阶段中国股市的交易机制安排与投资者行为、价格发现过程有机地联系在一起,探讨目前阶段中国股市的交易机制以及交易者行为对价格发现和形成过程的影响作用。
The object of defrauding a contract is about the right of public and private property, sequence on law and market trading. 合同诈骗的客体是公私财产权利和市场交易秩序及法治秩序;